29 January 2010

Angel on Earth

My Blake is such a beautiful child....
he always smiles...
he always laughs...
and he always loves.

One thing he usually does not do
is complain....

Blake has cerebral palsy...
and recently has begun to complain...
about his body hurting..

We have been to our regular orthopedic doctor...
we are trying some new things...
but with little results.

But a week ago....
God sent me an angel.
This angel was someone that attended a workshop
that the company I work for was presenting
for a private company...
I usually do not attend this particular workshop.

But on this occasion,
I was asked to be there....so I went. 

 I met "J" and it was almost like
I had known her forever....
and in the course of talking found out we
both have children with cerebral palsy.
After further discussion...
she shared with me a treatment
that her son was receiving from a Doctor
that is 2 hours from where we live.
To bring this story to conclusion...
she gave me the name of the Doctor
and Blake has an appointment there today!

God is everywhere...
in our thoughts,
in our hearts,
in those around us...
and he is always with us.

23 January 2010

Oh....gray gray winter go away!
It's the middle of winter and I have
hit the blah wall!!!!

It happens every year...not always
at the same date/month...
but I know at some point it
will wander in.

But I say...NOT THIS YEAR!

So..I am thinking of little ways
that I can add sunshine to my days!

Small fun trips, lunch with friends,
little craft projects, time with my grandson,
visiting inspiring and enLIGHTening blogs!

So goodbye winter blahs...cause here comes the SUN!

Photosource: Flickr

14 January 2010

A few days ago I ordered some decorative
stickers from HeatherBullard.com
and today they ARRIVED!

I love giving little gifts whether it be
something that I've made by hand,
some baked goodies or
a group of little treasures I've found.

I spotted these adorable stickers and
thought they would be perfect to decorate
packages or bags along with some vintage lace, 
jewelry, buttons and many other items I have. 

I was inspired by my friend Tracey at
French Larkspur (click on her button on the right)
who at Christmas time made some adorable treasures
by recycling paper, plastic containers and other items.
She adorned them with
embellishments and turned them into
absolutely fabulous gift ideas and packages.

I have been saving all kinds of little boxes,
plastic containers and lots of other things to create some
hopefully memorable treasures
for those I love

Here's to a little creative recycling...
Thanks Tracey for the inspiration!

08 January 2010

Magazines and Tea Oh My!

Living in the Midwest you know there
will be winters filled with snow
and very very cold temperatures.

Well it definately has been like that.
School has been cancelled a few days
and thankfully I have a job where
I can work from home.

I have been out to go to the market
and that is pretty much it!
So the loungewear continues...

I've been drinking lots of tea and
reading through lots and lots of old magazines.
I am a magazine addict.

I have so many....

However, the madness must stop!
So I am going through my very large
collection and deciding what to keep
whether it be the whole magazine
or just pages.

So...here's to a drastically reduced
collection of inspiration!

Stay warm and happy!

03 January 2010


The New Year is here....no bells...no fireworks...no whistles.
Just me...being lazy
loungwear+chaise lounge+snuggly dogs=heaven

I have spent most of my NEW YEAR not being reflective...
mostly mindless...and you know what I don't mind it.

I don't mind a little silence in my mind for a change...
By nature I am not relaxed....I worry...I am neurotic.
Yes...yes I am...
But for the past few days I have just
let it all go....

something I plan to do a little more of....