01 October 2009

Too Much Stuff

Tomorrow I am getting ready to have a garage sale...fun huh! Well it must be done....I have sooooooo much stuff. Moving from our big 5 bedroom 3 story home to our small one story made having alot of STUFF a problem. We have 3 storage buildings and our garage is packed!!!

Going through all of my treasures...having to make a decision on what to keep and what to sell is torture at times. I can't keep everything. We have limited space in our little home.

I have alot alot alot of antiques........none of which are appropriate for a garage sale...some of these lovelies I am keeping...now I need to find a way to sell the ones I am ready to part with....

So here's hoping for no rain...lots of buyers and not having to put any of it back in the garage!
PhotoSource: Sassy Signs


  1. I've been putting off having a garage sale for years and our basement hates me for it. Good luck with yours. If you lived near, I would surely stop by. And thanks for the nice compliment about my pink dress. :)

  2. Good luck! I bet you have some really great stuff!! Wish I could come!

  3. Just spent 2 days hosting my own garage sale and it can be very unpleasant. I hope that yours turned out to be lucrative and left you with a feeling of contentment!
