01 December 2009

Do you see what I see?

I know that it's December....but someone should tell
the plants in my window box on the gate to my house!

I have long since cleared out the plants in the planters
 outside which shriveled and turned brown...
but these beauties cling to life...

Every time I pass through the gate they
bring a smile to my face...

They refuse to give up...
they are beautiful in spite of what is
happening around them...
and they stand tall in the face of adversity....

Inspiration is everywhere...
sometimes right before our eyes! 

Happy December! 


  1. They not only cling to life, but they seem to thrive! Such a happy unexpected!! I have some sweet alyssum and a few snapdragons that just keep on toughing it out...

    Happy December sweetie!

    :) T

  2. Good Morning
    I loved your post...it is so true we just have to look around sometimes! Loving this weather also.
    Blessings today

  3. Happy December!
    Lovely post and the plants on the garden gate are beautiful with the Christmas bow.

    Have a great weekend

  4. I love this post!
    It was quite heartwarming this evening as I sit here trying to unwind.
    I too have had some plants and flowers that have started to bloom again!
    Thank you for sticking by me during my rough patch...your friendship is truly a blessing to me...blessings dear friend...donna

  5. We have been so blessed with this weather! It seems to be changing tho. I couldn't get warm all day today. I hope you had a great Thanksgiving with your family and you are doing well! Take care!
